We are living streaming the elementary pep rally - Stay tuned to the Edgerton School District Youtube Channel for the feed that will begin shortly. https://www.youtube.com/@edgertonsd/streams
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Live Stream
Mini Parade Update: The miniparade will be moved to the high school hallways and fieldhouse, however unfortunately we will not be able to allow visitors. The high school and middle school staff and students will be cheering on the elementary school. Please send homecoming pictures to: socialmedia@edgerton.k12.wi.us
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Mini Parade Update
With the incoming weather approaching we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 4 pm homecoming parade on Friday, October 13th. In lieu of a parade we ask those that have built a float to please submit a picture to the email below so we can create a social media display. As everyone has been preparing for this great tradition we have decided to host a marching band and cheerleading performance in the Main High School gym starting at 4 pm Friday, October 13th. Everyone, including the public, is welcome to attend this free event. We will also be recognizing our homecoming court and royalty. We are optimistic the football game will be able to continue, but unfortunately the marching band will not be able to perform at halftime. Please send homecoming pictures to: socialmedia@edgerton.k12.wi.us
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
HS Parade Update
Take a few seconds this morning and vote for the ESD Stadium field. https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1287089 Today is the last day.
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Vote for the Edgerton School District High School Field! And Share! https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1287089 Voting is open for Group Four of the Midwest Sport & Turf Systems Home Field Pride campaign, which allows fans to vote on the best football field design and construction provided and installed by MWSTS. You can vote in the poll below, up to once per day per device. Voting is open until Thursday, October 12th at 2 pm. The top vote-getter from each round plus the next three overall vote-getters (regardless of group) will advance to the finals, which will be held October 21-26. Remember, the winning school in the 2023 Home Field Pride Contest finals will receive $1000 for their school's athletic program!
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
EHS Field
Vote for the Edgerton School District High School Field! And Share! https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1287089 Voting is open for Group Four of the Midwest Sport & Turf Systems Home Field Pride campaign, which allows fans to vote on the best football field design and construction provided and installed by MWSTS. You can vote in the poll below, up to once per day per device. Voting is open until Thursday, October 12th at 2 pm. The top vote-getter from each round plus the next three overall vote-getters (regardless of group) will advance to the finals, which will be held October 21-26. Remember, the winning school in the 2023 Home Field Pride Contest finals will receive $1000 for their school's athletic program!
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
EHS Field
Swimming lesson registration will open on November 1st using Sign Up Genius. The first lesson will be on Saturday, November 11th. Clients need to sign up via the Sign Up Genius on November 1 – NO exceptions. If they want that lesson to be paid for my Gifts For Kids they also have to sign up at ECO (before that first lesson).
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Swimming Lessons
October is National Dental Hygiene Month Enroll - https://bridgingbrightersmiles.org/forms/
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
National Dental Month
It's Socktober! There will be barrels at all of the schools, Petry Chiropractic, Coffee Depot!
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Wisconsin School Board Week October 1st – October 7th, 2023 Thank you for all that you do! School Board Members Our deepest appreciation to the dedicated individuals who provide the voice in public education. Please join us in recognizing our local school board members for their work, leadership and public service. Steven Doll Brandon Ferrell Jeremiah Johnson Kathy Klein Kelly Kwiatkowski Leia Maves Derek Ninmer Jim Raymond Matt Towns
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
School Board Week
2023 Youth Holiday Programs by Gifts for Kids & Edgerton Outreach Signup begins October 2nd and ends December 1st For More Information Contact: Edgerton Outreach at 608-884-9593
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Gift for kids flyer
Edgerton School District is looking for a K-5 full time Educational Support Profession (ESP), starting ASAP. Please visit our WECAN post to submit an application. We are also looking for a full time K-5 Educational Support Profession (ESP) through Teachers on Call. Please email Principal Roth at Jerry.Roth@edgerton.k12.wi.us or Principal Redalen at Alice.Redalen@edgerton.k12.wi.us for more information on the Teachers on Call position. Both positions follow the school calendar and do not require summer hours.
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Now Hiring
Parents and Coaches! GoRiteway is looking for additional athletic charter drivers! https://goriteway.com/careers/
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Parents and Coaches! We need your help!
Stadium Field Dedication Event: Friday September 15th @ 6:30pm
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Stadium Field Dedication
Hey ESD Families, Looking for affordable internet? Check out this flyer for more information. Call (608) 267-3595 for assistance.
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
DPI Internet Discount Flyer
SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY The Edgerton Police Department along with the Edgerton School District takes your children’s safety seriously and so must you. With the beginning of the new school year I would like to remind parents that we understand how congested and frustrating schools zones can become in the morning and afternoon when you’re dropping off or picking up children. However, poor driving habits, parking violations and aggressive driving near the schools create an unsafe and dangerous environment for our children. We are asking all parents to do their part in promoting safe driving school zones to ensure children arrive at school safely. To help reduce congestion and provide a safer environment please keep these points in mind when dropping off or picking up your children: • The bus stop is for buses only. • Walk your child to school when possible. • Use the school bus system when possible. • Drop off/pick up children a short distance away from school when possible. This will help alleviate congestion around the school. • Once your child is out of the car and safely on the sidewalk vacate the area to make room for others parents to drop off their children. • Do not double park to drop off your child. • Obey the parking and traffic signs while on the school campus, especially the designated “no parking areas” marked with painted yellow curbs. • Be mindful of the school staff and crossing guards. They are there for your child’s safety. • Be a “Good Neighbor” by being mindful of the residents who live near the school. As part of our commitment to ensuring the children’s safety, the Edgerton Police Department will be actively enforcing traffic and parking laws around the school campus. Please drive responsibly and conscientiously. Let’s keep the safety of our children in mind and have a good school year Sincerely, Chief Bob Kowalski Edgerton Police Dept. Dr. Dennis Pauli Superintendent Edgerton School District
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
School Zone
EDGERTON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Open House August 24th - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Students will have the opportunity to walk through their schedules, open lockers, drop off school supplies and meet middle school staff members. We hope to see you and your family! First day of school - Tuesday, August 29, 2023
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Open House Reminder
Current Open Positions! Phy Ed Teacher - Middle School 4K Teacher - Edgerton Children's Center Education Support Professional (Part-time) - CES Primary Building Substitute - High School
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
We are hiring!
Incoming 6th Grade Summer Transition Day Monday, August 21st 8:00 am to 12:30 pm This is a fun day where you will meet your teachers, walk your schedule, try your locker and ask questions! Lunch and snacks will be provided! Students need to bring: *Sunscreen *Hat *Water Bottle *Comfortable clothes/shoes *Bug Spray *School Supplies (if ready) Questions: Stephanie Marino | 608-561-6032
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
6th Grade Transition Flyer
ESD: School Picture Day Information September 15th - All Buildings Pre-Order Today! www.empirephotos.com/edgerton2023
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Picture Day Flyer